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Righteous Kill

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Quisque sed felis

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Etiam augue pede, molestie eget.

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Hellgate is back

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Post with links

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Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Waspadai Perintah Matikan Akun Facebook

Scam atau penipuan baru yang memanfaatkan metode phising tengah membidik Facebooker. Menurut firma keamanan Sophos, phising email ini meminta pengguna Facebook mematikan akun mereka.

Seolah-olah dikirim resmi dari Facebook, pesan tersebut memberi peringatan bahwa jika pengguna tidak mengikuti perintah tersebut maka semua detail akun mereka hilang akan hilang dalam waktu 24 jam.

Dilansir Times of India, pesan phising ini menuding korban telah melanggar regulasi kebijakan Facebook dengan mengganggu pengguna Facebook lain. Pesan itu lantas meminta detail informasi personal dan finansial si pengguna, termasuk username dan password Facebook.

Namun seperti disebutkan Sophos, email ini palsu dan bukan berasal dari Facebook. "Media sosial tidak akan meminta informasi finansial personal, maupun username dan password," tulis Sophos. Tak lupa, dalam laporannya tersebut Sophos juga menyertakan dua contoh pesan scam yang patut diwaspadai.

LAST WARNING : Your account is reported to have violated the policies that are considered annoying or insulting Facebook users. Until we system will disable your account within 24 hours if you do not do the reconfirmation. 

Please confirm your account below:

[Link Removed]


The Facebook Team 

Pesan Facebook palsu itu pun ada yang berbunyi seperti di bawah ini.

Subject: Did you log into Facebook from somewhere new?

Dear [Username removed]

Your Facebook account was recently logged into from a computer, mobile device or other location you've never used before. We have reviewed your account activity, and we get information about possible unauthorized access to your Facebook. We have provided a warning to you via email, but you do not respond to our notification.

"Your account was accessed from a new location : Anonymous Proxy."

If you are not signing into your Facebook account from "Anonymous Proxy", your Facebook account may have been compromised. We recommend immediately verify your account by carefully on the link below to protect your Facebook account. It may take a few minutes of your time to complete your data.

Please be sure to visit the Facebook Service Account for further information regarding these security issues.

Note : If within 12 hours, you have not verified your account, then you have ignored our notifications. Therefore, your account is permanently suspended, and will not be reactivated for any reason.


Facebook Security Team

Pada intinya, bentuk penipuan ini bertujuan mencuri informasi rahasia korban seperti username, password, akun bank, atau nomor kartu kredit. Untuk itu, Sophos memperingatkan agar pengguna Facebook mewaspadai pesan-pesan semacam ini.

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